This hot and well-known diva has unique collection of tattoos in her body. Her long stemmed rose printed on her thigh arouses interest among onlookers. A design of mysterious letters on her left arm and a Chinese symbol for strength are etched in her right hand and other images at her back.

Tattoos are gaining unparalleled popularity among the stars today and the common designs that you can see are dragons. People are now considering the wedding ring tattoo as an option for gold, silver and other gemstones used for wedding rings due to their high prices.
In having a tattoo in the finger, it is not an easy one because you have to endure the pain in piercing the finger. Another thing is that the tattoo does not heal quickly so you cannot perform your activities normally. When a break-up occurs, the tattooed wedding ring stays in your finger unless you want it removed at a high cost.
You can cut the portion of the skin that is tattooed and have the skin replaced from other parts of your body. Sanding or dermabrasion can also be applied but you have to expect pain and bleeding. The use of a laser is the most common way of tattoo removal but it is so expensive.
Mary J Blige Tattoos

Mary J Blige Tattoos